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The Social Media Starting Kit (Part 3): Calendars and Management

You've got a profile, you've got ideas for a few posts and images, and now it's time to begin posting. But, how do you bring strategy in? When do you post? Where do you post? How do you keep from becoming a slave to your social media? That's where the next two crucial elements of social media management come in: calendars and management. First off, each social media platform has different needs, and each audience within the platform has different expectations. The average consumer expects a response from a corporation in Twitter, and 72 percent of people who complain on Twitter expect a response within an hour, per the HubSpot blog . Otherwise there are standard best practices for when to post and how often to post on each network. Image courtesy of Fast Company SproutSocial posted earlier this year about the best times to post on each social media network for engagement . It is an incredibly thorough post, and I would recommend reading it to begin charting ...
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The Social Media Starting Kit (Part 2): Choosing Your Network & Beginning the Journey

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The Social Media Starting Kit (Part 1): Establishing Your Brand

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The Space between Social Media and Business Acumen

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Storytelling is an Essential Component of Social Media

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Instagram: Thank you for scheduled posts...and reposts!

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Deep breath: Facebook changed.

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